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How the brain makes decisions?

We are looking for children and adolescents to take part in our research to help us understand how kids make decisions.

We are currently recruiting children aged 4 to 12 years. We are currently recruiting children aged 4 to 12 years. Children must be right-handed and without any known (or suspected) learning or developmental difficulty.

Want to find out more?

Please contact the team for further information:

We are also on Facebook and Twitter @BrainkidsNUS and sign-up website

Behavioral studies

Our experimenter will play some games with the children, e.g. having children to watch some puppet shows and asking them which puppet they like more.

intervention programs that train children’s minds to build social-emotional skills such as cooperation, empathy, and self-control, and identify neural correlates of social cognition and decision making for children. This project aims to understand when children begin to develop prosocial behaviour. Findings could potentially enhance current education programs by introducing the component of ‘social skills’ into the curriculum. see more

fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

MRI can be used to look at the anatomical structure of the brain and to look at how the brain works while we are doing different tasks, such as making economic choices. There is no risk attached to participating in this fMRI study, if all the safety measures are adhered to. 

The study involves a safe brain scan using a Magnetic Resonance Scanner (½ hours) . 

All participants receive a cash reward to say thank you for taking part, an image of their own brain, and a brief report about their performance. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. We also hope that the experience of being involved in research will be interesting and fun for you. 











Another method we use is Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Children

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures the electrical activity in the brain, called brain waves. An EEG measures brain waves through small button electrodes that are placed on your child's scalp. It is a safe procedure with no apparent risks.





This is a satellite project under the SSRC funded project 'Building Human Capacity in Singapore's Population: Testing Innovations in Human Development' led by Prof. Jean Yeung.

images are from the internet 

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