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At NUS, we do not just teach. We transform the way people think and do things. ​—NUS

Undergraduate level:

PL4205: Developmental Processes ​(3 hours/week)

PL4238:  Social Neuroscience ​(3 hours/week)

PL3289:  Lab in Decision Making ​(3 hours/week)

PL3289:  Moral Development ​(2 hours/week + tutorial)

Graduate Level:

PL6888: Selected topics in social and cognitive neurosciences


For Honours thesis and UROP students

Students who plan to pursue higher degrees in psychology are 'extremely' welcome, although the intention to pursue a research career is not a requirement for students at the HT stage.

You will work closely with the PI and senior lab members (postdoc/PhD students). Our lab already has some existing projects and research directions and your research topic should be relevant to what we do now or what we plan to do in the near future. We can explore potential research questions together.

Most of our studies involve using eprime and only a very few use paper and pencil testing only. We already have many eprime scripts ready and you can adapt them for your own use. There is also an opportunity to learn how to use basic Matlab scripts to organize behavioral data. 

1 How to choose topics:
Do a literature research before proposing your ideas.

Choose topics that are related with our ongoing projects:

  • Decision making in older adults.

  • Decision making under stress, e.g. choking under pressure.

  • Social decision making:theory of mind/mentalizing/strategic thinking/game theory, conformity.

  • Individual decision making: decision biases , consumer behaviour.

  • Social cognition: prejudice, moral reasoning, culture difference, social rejection,

You may find out more about our research interests by attending our regular lab meeting and talking to lab members.

2 Ethics application


  1. Please consolidate all the forms so that they are in a single document.

  2. Please use your nus e-mail account.

  3. There is a weekly deadline for all submissions – Fridays 9am. 

  4. CO-PI signature is not required.

You do not have to apply for DERC if your research is covered by our existing IRB.
Our existing IRBs already cover tDCS, fMRI, EEG, stress manipulations, electric shocks to induce pain, and mood induction procedures.

3 Data collection
Subjects recruitment:
Apply for RP pool. We recruit paid subjects only when RP is not sufficient.

Research funding:
There are $200 Student Research Funding (Thesis Support Fund) from the department.  

  1. Make sure all participants understand the task before running formal testing.

  2. Make sure participants understand that they should NOT talk (or think aloud) during the experiment. Specify which fingers they should use to press buttons.

  3. Do not make changes to the protocol without discussing with your supervisor.

4 Data analysis
Data cleaning:
Dealing with outliers: see psychwiki

Using excel, Sigmaplot, Matlab.

5 Writing


Media coverage



Neuroscientists conduct the most frustrating brain scanning study ever, in WIRED.


Escalating frustration activates the rage network in the brain, in Cortex.


Personal Judgments Are Swayed by Group Opinion, but Only for 3 Days, APS news and Science Daily
Social Conformity Effect Lasts Three Days in PsyBlog
Impact of peer pressure only lasts three days, new study claims, By RedOrbit in Rawstory
There’s nothing like the power of social pressure to sway an opinion, in Examiner
Conformity To Group Opinion Changes Personal Judgment, But Only For 3 Days, in Medical Daily
Some Conformity Effects Are Short-Lived, in Psychology Today
Impact Of Social Conformity Effect Only Lasts Three Days, New Study Claims, in RedOrbit

Aging and generosity

Elderly more generous with strangers: NUS study, Straitsimes.

Older adults are good Samaritans to strangers, ScienceDaily.


About scams

Smart, but scammed, Asiaone

Why scams succeed: Human behaviour experts explain, channelnewsasia

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